Nolan had a great idea to start a blog about his ideas, day to day life, etc. complete with pictures and other neat things.
I think it is a wonderful idea, so I am going to do the same.
I don't have any recent pictures uploaded of us (at least not since we have moved to Seattle) so here is one that I recently discovered in a CD with hundreds of wedding pictures on it. It is a current favorite of mine.
Today is a cloudless, "warm" sunny Seattle day and I am so glad to be here. I just looked up the temperature to put in here, expecting 70 degrees, but it is actually 58. I'm shocked that I am putting 58 and warm in the same category.
I just got health insurance through Trader Joe's and I have been taking advantage of it all week long. I've already been to four appointments (one of them being the dentist, which I haven't been since oh, 7th grade?). I love insurance.
We are off the charts with how much we have moved. We currently (and for at least a year) live with Daniel and Josh in the Central District/Capitol Hill area of Seattle, and we love our duplex and our roommates.
I am coming to Arizona May 15 - May 18, for the baby shower of Emily and Mike (I'm so excited!). I am also having hesitant feelings about going back home. It will be great to see friends and family that I miss so much, but I just feel like since my visit in January, the Arizona chapter has been shut and I want some space from it for a while.
I'm gardening again and this time around doing everything from seed (and not seedling)! So maybe we will have food, maybe not. I know a lot about plants, I'm no botanist. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be gorgeous here so I'm headed back home to plant seeds that I got in the mail yesterday from Mama Foster!