Today I hung out/(am still hanging out) with her. We went to breakfast at arguably the best breakfast place on the hill. Glo's is becoming our new spot (on an irregular basis). Afterwards, since we both have today off, we decided to extend our time together but didn't know what to do. So we did something practical and went grocery shopping. Then we came back to my house and played computers and budgeting, since we are both starting to budget. Its kind of exciting, is that weird?
Then we played garden, and I pulled up the first harvest! I only pulled one radish, since when you pull them up they are gone and I dont want them to be gone yet. They are ENORMOUS and bulging out of the soil now. The one I pulled wasn't as big (but still a good size) but I pulled it because it was splitting. Katie took pictures with her phone:

We deicded that we were hungry again at 7ish. Since we are on a budget, we couldn't go out and get food. Instead, we went to Grocery Outlet. To load up on grocery junk food at extremely low prices. I bought a frozen pizza, a box of microwavable popcorn, two Butterfinger Buzz bars, and two cans of pop. Awesome, I know. I was originally going to buy one Butterfinger (or so I thought) but then Katie screechingly warned me against what I was about to do. I had had the Buzz bar in my hand and was informed that it is equal to one energy drink. Energy drinks are disgusting. So I bought two buzz bars instead. You never know, right? :)
We came home and made pizza and Katie made guacamole and we ate it with chips and drank sody pops. Its been a semi-gluttonous day for me. Im ok with it.
Your harvest looks scrumptious!